Question for ExaminedGPT. Why no mention of music in the mental health section?

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Brilliant tinkering and I appreciate the MacGyver AI contraption!

I would like to ask Examined GPT whether it/you concur with the CDC language that seniors >65 yo SHOULD get a Covid booster this Spring?

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Ryan, I would be interested to know if you had to edit the chatgpt results to arrive at a such a beautifully succinct review? At 72 years old I have already had my springtime booster. Marty

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" even a satirical prompt " ? Like I needed an invitation? (LOL) Already then!

What is the Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything?

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After spending the morning tracking down Paxlovid, I think the current availability of the drug for high risk Covid patients who need it is a story that needs to be told.

I understand the government backed program is ending, while it transitions to FDA approved commercial status, but in the mean time it is unavailable with the vast majority of pharmacies I spoke to saying it was unavailable to order.

I finally located it at Walgreens in Whiting, but it took all morning to do it.

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I think your ExaminedGPT did quite well on its first assignment. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

Reading that list, I felt like I was taking a long slow breath. I might have heard music, too.

I can’t think of a question (satirical or not) but I’ll let my mind wander while I’m out walking today, or playing in the dirt, and see what surfaces.

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Why does a certain ex-president, who apparently engages in few if any of ExaminedGPT’s recommendations, appear so damn energetic and most likely destined to live a long life?

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Huge Radiohead fan here and I love playing both Karma Police and Chopin's Nocturnes Listening to upbeat music has the power to lift me out of the occasional doldrum whereas playing music by myself provides immense calming effects and playing music in a group is profoundly exhilarating.

My theory on the association between mental health disorders and music would be that those with depression, isolation, or abuse childhoods often find solace in music rather than that playing music causes mental disorders. Like many studies of association, reverse causality must be considered. BTW, reference 8 in your quote is quite interesting. (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-49099-9) but ultimately sheds little light on the topic

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