I was there with you. And I appreciate your documentation and your plea. I’ve shared your newsletter with a friend who voted R, and I hope she has read all the way through to the comments. I hope she sees the light and starts to march with us, because we’re trying to save her life and her democracy, too.
I love that you were there, too. And that you shared this. I was looking back through some family albums last night with my daughter, and rediscovered the Muhammad Ali pic. But what was much more significant was the family cohesion that has been destroyed in a carved up America. I know "both sides" bear some responsibility, but when they come after science and equity and social safety nets and fan flames of hate between us, it's a complex mixture of anger and betrayal that we feel in the present, amplified by the family photos that now look obsolete from the past.
It’s awfully hard to stay connected across the political divide, and I’m sorry you’re facing that challenge within your family. I try to ask people about their values. What do you value most? And how is the right reflecting or working toward those values? Super hard to understand what values would make people we love excited about banning books, cutting social benefits for the poor, depriving women of health care, passing policies to suppress voting rights, gutting science funding, policing the words we’re allowed to use in research. What’s left to be proud of?
Beautiful, Ryan! Loved this: “One of the speakers described how she does not believe in science. She’s right. Science is not some story to believe in, but rather a process for discovering truth, and that is what makes it our greatest hope.” 💯💯💯 There are two phrases you’ve honored me with that I now offer as a tribute to you: “Strong work! I appreciate you!” We are in this together. Thank you for the inspiration. I have restacked.
Thank you Susan! Those lines about not believing in science were among the highlights for me, as we need this method of sorting truth from myth to be above "belief." Beliefs, values, and morals must inform what we do with scientific discoveries of course.
A good article I read a couple days ago: "What was childhood like before vaccines?
The anti-vax movement has gone mainstream, but before these shots, grief and loss marked the lives of children."
I went to a smaller one in my state--sadly, it felt less hopeful but there was a decent turnout. What we're up against is so big and so dangerous. An opinion piece in the NYT today said--on how government is not business--paraphrase--when someone can't tweet, so what--when government doesn't work, people die. Thank you Ryan, I needed an infusion of hope and fight, and you deliver that with your tireless advocacy.
I was expecting a small crowd, and had to change my office hours around to get there (thank you to any patients that rescheduled to Thursday, btw!), so I was pleasantly surprised by the good turnout. If only demonstrations and collective arm locking fixed injustices right away, but instead they gird us for the long game. I hope. Thank you for showing up, a body and mind to be counted and respected, and for doing all that you do, too.
Good point Emily. One of the main focus points of this Stand Up For Science was absolutely standing up for DEI and transgender people in science. One of the most compelling speakers was a trans woman researcher and accomplished scientist. I added this to the post above:
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
You know what the opposites of these terms are? Conformity, inequity, exclusion. We can naively convince ourselves that a meritocracy blooms from nature, just like truth is spread through social media algorithms. A good garden needs tending. Minorities of all kinds should be respected and fairly included regardless of race, gender, orientation, or whatever categories we try to define. But until recently it has been fiercely American to exclude Nazis and the people who salute them.
Agreed. I'm troubled by the voter disenfranchisement and dirty tricks that have already thrown several elections, and not the one that Fox News tells us about. I'm waiting for the next post in this series to tell me what I can do:
Ironically, it is science that propelled the US into a world leader. We had funding for research and infrastructures through fair taxation. We had one of the finest school system in the world. Yes, there were a lot of social injustice and inequalities. A still with us but we fallen behind again.
Ironic agreed, and I would go further and call it tragic. So many hearts and minds led astray by manipulative media and billions of dollars poured into politics. Yeah, the kid is me :) Ali had a training facility he built in rural PA, and it was open to the public for certain promotional events. My dad took us, and I credit both of my parents for being up standers throughout their lives, too:
Good for you! We attended our Stand up For Science march here in Seattle. A few thousand were there and our new governor spoke as well. My husband works for NOAA and is very demoralized. After working for them for over 26 years, he no longer feels anyone in the executive branch has ANY idea what they do and why it is important. On the UPSIDE: people are speaking out and marching. As we said in the 70s: we are marching for our lives (and the lives of our children and grandchildren).
Thanks for standing up in Seattle! Insanity—what’s going on? Sinister, with ruthless & cruel motives. And why would they cut NOAA & NIH?? May this end before there’s nothing left.
It's going to feel like defeat after defeat with all three branches of our government in sad complicity with drumbeat control, discarding Republicans of conscience like Kinzinger, Cheney, Romney, McCain, even GW Bush. That's how radical it has become, and I know a good number of my Republican friends are starting to look around and see the ruin. Not nearly enough. Sending your husband sympathy and strength to persist, if he so chooses.
Thank you. I need to get more connected so that I know when these things are coming. I would have loved to be there. I'm happy you were there and you felt the support all around you. ❤️
Fantastic, Dr. McCormick. When ignorance and greed are exalted we all lose. As a scientist I resent those who believe "conspiracy theories" are the only way to face life and evidence based science is bunk.
Dr Ryan, that is a photo to treasure. So is your writing. There may come a time for you when you feel yourself slipping away from all the attachments, waving goodbye to old loves and passions- people possessions and projects. The last to go of it ever does is compassion and the urge to heal all beings.
I was there with you. And I appreciate your documentation and your plea. I’ve shared your newsletter with a friend who voted R, and I hope she has read all the way through to the comments. I hope she sees the light and starts to march with us, because we’re trying to save her life and her democracy, too.
I love that you were there, too. And that you shared this. I was looking back through some family albums last night with my daughter, and rediscovered the Muhammad Ali pic. But what was much more significant was the family cohesion that has been destroyed in a carved up America. I know "both sides" bear some responsibility, but when they come after science and equity and social safety nets and fan flames of hate between us, it's a complex mixture of anger and betrayal that we feel in the present, amplified by the family photos that now look obsolete from the past.
It’s awfully hard to stay connected across the political divide, and I’m sorry you’re facing that challenge within your family. I try to ask people about their values. What do you value most? And how is the right reflecting or working toward those values? Super hard to understand what values would make people we love excited about banning books, cutting social benefits for the poor, depriving women of health care, passing policies to suppress voting rights, gutting science funding, policing the words we’re allowed to use in research. What’s left to be proud of?
Beautiful, Ryan! Loved this: “One of the speakers described how she does not believe in science. She’s right. Science is not some story to believe in, but rather a process for discovering truth, and that is what makes it our greatest hope.” 💯💯💯 There are two phrases you’ve honored me with that I now offer as a tribute to you: “Strong work! I appreciate you!” We are in this together. Thank you for the inspiration. I have restacked.
Thank you Susan! Those lines about not believing in science were among the highlights for me, as we need this method of sorting truth from myth to be above "belief." Beliefs, values, and morals must inform what we do with scientific discoveries of course.
A good article I read a couple days ago: "What was childhood like before vaccines?
The anti-vax movement has gone mainstream, but before these shots, grief and loss marked the lives of children."
So glad to have people like you in our mutual corners!
Thank you for the linked article, too. So much real progress, now under severe threat. Thank you for your vigilance and commitment.
I went to a smaller one in my state--sadly, it felt less hopeful but there was a decent turnout. What we're up against is so big and so dangerous. An opinion piece in the NYT today said--on how government is not business--paraphrase--when someone can't tweet, so what--when government doesn't work, people die. Thank you Ryan, I needed an infusion of hope and fight, and you deliver that with your tireless advocacy.
I was expecting a small crowd, and had to change my office hours around to get there (thank you to any patients that rescheduled to Thursday, btw!), so I was pleasantly surprised by the good turnout. If only demonstrations and collective arm locking fixed injustices right away, but instead they gird us for the long game. I hope. Thank you for showing up, a body and mind to be counted and respected, and for doing all that you do, too.
Please add the many transgender people whose lives are being upended by ignorant attacks on our existence.
Good point Emily. One of the main focus points of this Stand Up For Science was absolutely standing up for DEI and transgender people in science. One of the most compelling speakers was a trans woman researcher and accomplished scientist. I added this to the post above:
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
You know what the opposites of these terms are? Conformity, inequity, exclusion. We can naively convince ourselves that a meritocracy blooms from nature, just like truth is spread through social media algorithms. A good garden needs tending. Minorities of all kinds should be respected and fairly included regardless of race, gender, orientation, or whatever categories we try to define. But until recently it has been fiercely American to exclude Nazis and the people who salute them.
Well spoken. Is that you in the arms of Ali?
Thank you, and yes that's me. His training camp in Pennsylvania circa 1978 I'm guessing. My father appreciated Ali greatly.
Thank you for standing up. We all need to do our part or we won’t have a democracy anymore.
Agreed. I'm troubled by the voter disenfranchisement and dirty tricks that have already thrown several elections, and not the one that Fox News tells us about. I'm waiting for the next post in this series to tell me what I can do:
That’s an extremely troubling post about voter suppression
Thank you for standing up!!!!! My friends and I have begun a weekly protest in Vermont, it feels like the thing to do! It makes others excited too..
Amazing! If I were closer I would join you for some of that! Enjoyed the show of resolve as the VP came to town for a skiing weekend.
Ironically, it is science that propelled the US into a world leader. We had funding for research and infrastructures through fair taxation. We had one of the finest school system in the world. Yes, there were a lot of social injustice and inequalities. A still with us but we fallen behind again.
Was that you in the picture?
Ironic agreed, and I would go further and call it tragic. So many hearts and minds led astray by manipulative media and billions of dollars poured into politics. Yeah, the kid is me :) Ali had a training facility he built in rural PA, and it was open to the public for certain promotional events. My dad took us, and I credit both of my parents for being up standers throughout their lives, too:
Thank you, Ryan.
Good for you! We attended our Stand up For Science march here in Seattle. A few thousand were there and our new governor spoke as well. My husband works for NOAA and is very demoralized. After working for them for over 26 years, he no longer feels anyone in the executive branch has ANY idea what they do and why it is important. On the UPSIDE: people are speaking out and marching. As we said in the 70s: we are marching for our lives (and the lives of our children and grandchildren).
Thanks for standing up in Seattle! Insanity—what’s going on? Sinister, with ruthless & cruel motives. And why would they cut NOAA & NIH?? May this end before there’s nothing left.
I so fear the outcome and cruelty is their point. I am stunned as to why they want to destroy our GOOD systems. It is almost incomprehensible.
Let's go! That's awesome re: Seattle event.
It's going to feel like defeat after defeat with all three branches of our government in sad complicity with drumbeat control, discarding Republicans of conscience like Kinzinger, Cheney, Romney, McCain, even GW Bush. That's how radical it has become, and I know a good number of my Republican friends are starting to look around and see the ruin. Not nearly enough. Sending your husband sympathy and strength to persist, if he so chooses.
Thanks to you and all of us who stood up and are standing up for science, diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and more.
Thank you. I need to get more connected so that I know when these things are coming. I would have loved to be there. I'm happy you were there and you felt the support all around you. ❤️
Fantastic, Dr. McCormick. When ignorance and greed are exalted we all lose. As a scientist I resent those who believe "conspiracy theories" are the only way to face life and evidence based science is bunk.
Dr. Ryan, I love your dedication to science and to your patients and readers, and I admire your pro-science, pro-democracy activism.
You are an amazing writer with an obviously ferocious passion to save lives! Bravo…sharing!
Dr Ryan, that is a photo to treasure. So is your writing. There may come a time for you when you feel yourself slipping away from all the attachments, waving goodbye to old loves and passions- people possessions and projects. The last to go of it ever does is compassion and the urge to heal all beings.