I am a retired physician. Before I retired gun laws were used to stop the Center for Disease Control from publishing/reporting gun deaths in their Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. At that same time I was counseled that it was illegal for physicians to ask a patient if they had guns in their home as part of their pertinent health risks. Marty

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That’s a staggering thought. I’ve asked in certain situations, and I thought part of the routine pediatric screening questions encompassed asking about guns. I won’t look it up, because it’s unethical to follow that sort of muzzling. I don’t need to tell you the laws coming out in places like Texas and Oklahoma are contrary to science, female bodily autonomy, and social cohesion. Thanks for your points.

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The CDC did eventually return to reporting this obvious Morbidity and Mortality statistic. I do not think our country has any right to curtail physicians from asking about guns in the home...an obvious health risk.

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We can talk about mental illness, we can talk about unrest in the streets, we can talk about bullying, we can talk about childhood development and tragedies in the youth of perpetrators, but there is one thread that runs through it all that I’m tired of being told has nothing to do with it. It’s the guns, it’s the guns, it’s the guns. How do you choose between your children and your “right” to have any and every gun available to anyone and everyone? “Children are a blessing but guns are our right.” NO! Make this the very last straw. No one in any other part of the world would ever agree to that statement. It is unconscionable; it is wholly immoral.

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Very well stated, and we should try our best to address the drivers of violence you mentioned. But I agree with your outrage- these unthinkable tragedies both large and small are facilitated by guns. The cowed 7 police officers in the scene were outgunned by one 18 year old.

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After the news conference today it appears 19 fully armed officers huddled in the hallway while children were being shot and begging 911 for help.

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I haven't read anything yet today. That is really sickening, too...

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I agree, the more details that are released, the more disgusting the response appears. I hope your daughter is feeling safe. Blessings to you and your family❤️

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As a highly empathic person (CODA - oldest child of Deaf parents) I am having an intense struggle with the images and news of gun violence. All of it. Reading about the toddler who lost both parents in the Highland shooting brought me to my knees. It’s practically consumed my waking and sleeping moments. My one child, an 18-year-old shy, sweet boy is going off to college at the end of the summer. I’m trying not to project my fears. I want to be so excited for him and much of me is. The sadness we experience witnessing recurrent news of gun violence and the fears most of us have of random shootings are taking a toll on all of us. 😢

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Absolutely appreciate your comment! And I just watched CODA over the weekend. I have a better appreciation for the special bonds such a family develops. It really is a haunting story about the orphaned toddler. WIth all the millions who have died from Covid, and the thousands of children, and the starvation and war... it's just too big to fully witness. So I think the horror story of the toddler gives us a beautiful little face to personify all this tragedy. I wish your son all the best in college, and in all probability he will be just fine.

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Thank you.

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