Well said. Doctor. I hope Matisse takes your advise to heart. I also liked the picture you posted of Kareem Abdul Jabbrar. He and I were in the same graduating class at UCLA. He was always a really good person.
Wow that is really neat about UCLA! Jabbar states that his NBA career defined him, but his second career as a writer refined him. Love that quote, and the positive platform athletes can use for the greater good.
Well said!
Well said. Doctor. I hope Matisse takes your advise to heart. I also liked the picture you posted of Kareem Abdul Jabbrar. He and I were in the same graduating class at UCLA. He was always a really good person.
Lynda Ritterman
Wow that is really neat about UCLA! Jabbar states that his NBA career defined him, but his second career as a writer refined him. Love that quote, and the positive platform athletes can use for the greater good.